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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Eight day away.. time to stop prep'n and get riding.

Before I got one step further (((Murph and I want to thank Cobb Automotive / Carolina Performance Transmission for their $100 donation,.. Thank you Shane, and Jennifer Cobb. Murph will stay dry and clean with a fender on the back tire now)))

I've  pretty  much  gave  up  on  making  a  rechargeable  head and tail light battery  system  for  the  bike  and trailer,  times  running  out  is  the  big  reason  with  many  other  little  projects  that  still need to  be tweaked out, I'll by a light  that  will  take  AA  or  AAA, I'm able to  recharge  those, But  it will  be  another choice  on  what  gets  the  sunny day on  the  solar  panel. LOL, I  followed  the instruction  of  a  instructables  submitter but the wires melted when I tried it out on a junk pice of electronics that I had. Because  the  solar  panel  is  a  little  week  on  the amps  part  to  charge  the  LG Slate, (yes I still have it), So  I  was making  a 7volt  2200mah back  up  battery  system  for  it and a means to hook several lithium batteries that would need to be recharged everyday, but could go two to three days before needing to charge them up, The panel would have gotten it to 5v and 950mah, but it would have been a back up as stated, just something so I could finish watching a movie or pre-writing the journal for what happen that day, (This being done at night where no internet connection is at, NOT! me making something up then not riding that day)so by the time I do find a connection I just need to load.......Dammit!! thats right this isn't a computer I can't do anything like word on here.. Ok then no writing jack without internet, I better bring paper and pencil...Hmm I just noticed the spaces between the words got smaller.. Or maybe my eyes are crapping out on me IDK..

Yesterday wasn't such a great day, We lost a family member, She was 17 old, (in cat years, much older I guess) Patches A.K.A patchy-cat.. It seemed she held on as long as people were near by, but when we walked away she would just fade and get weaker, I felt Like I could have done something, I just don't know what. While I was running around gathering things, I got the call that she passed away when everybody had walked away for a hour..Wish I could have posted a picture here, but Picasa, & flicker has problems with my blog account.  SO photo linking is out. ( not going to get into it)

I got the homemade map bag/handle bar bag to work after 6 hours of trying to keep the bag latch from sliding down on the handle bars..Amazon sent the wrong request to a company, I ordered a map bag, and Amazon sent them a request for a map bag quick release latch that attaches to the handle bar.. SpeedGoat refunded my money and told me to keep the item, I put a cheapo cooler to the quick release part and attached the latch to the handle bar, Not bad, I'm not bitching it works perfect for me, its big enough to hold the maps, and a few other things... AND its insulated.. I used a thick piece of Plexiglas I had as a board for the quick release to attach to, SO DONE!

Todays project: Clean up my mess in the garage, Then go see David, and get Murphs butt squeezed, since he can't stay away from the cat food, his butt gland get full fast, he starts doing to poop shoot boogie on the ground, or the sit and spin.. I sometime laugh my head off to think , when I think he knows what he's doing AND what its doing to him..and he continues just so the vet can pinch his butt, He likes it but yells so no one will believe it, You would think after 6 years he'd make the connection being the smart dog that he is..But as stated, he likes it or thinks 20 seconds of pain is worth 2 weeks in cat food when no one is watching..

Time to get moving, expect mistakes, and spelling, for a while when I'm on the road. It takes to long to go back a try to fix things, sometimes if it really bad i have to delete a hours worth or typing to fix a few, then I just stop and put it up in frustration.. bare with me, When I get a netbook, or to a library I'll fix them, its 10:30 am, good as anytime to get started, yesterday I got motivated at 2pm.. to much to do, to be that slack anymore..  Type at cha L8R..

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Breaking the promise,...

Yes you read it right, But not the trips promise. I'm breaking he promise not to mention negative things..I can't update the blog on positive auctions when theres none going on. and I don't want the blog to look abandoned, I need to report something..So here it is!

The fund rasier for Murph and I was a complete fail..I invited over 50 people I knew, not a one showed up, After the payback to Stevie J for a $50 loan so I could see my Dr at the first of the month of April, and giving Dj Wege some cash to say thanx for Dj'ing the benefit..I made less  than $23.

I knew that was going to happen, no one wanted to listen, I like Stevie's Idea of putting it off to a later date like April 27th, But Wege said he couldn't do it because of the large amount of invites he passed out. So I was forced to go on with the show...and the show was a no go!. None of his people showed, and nor mine..That was my last chance to get Murph his shots and meds for the road, and the coinmaster pro to help support us while being on the road..I'm now at a complete loss on what to do. My unemployment is going to run out in one month, and I will not get a extension due to it was considered part-time, even though I was full time for three years at the place..They refuse to look at my real work history, the are focused on just the last quarter before John and Gayle closed the business down.

Well there is a bright side to this, generally..when I get unemployed and homeless in the past, it was always two to three weeks before Christmas...


Things have gone a different direction, I can't pin point when things started to change but I can give a idea on why..I've been listening to 94.1 k-love, (or its J) the speakers are muffled, and Christian music station.. Music and song of positive thinking and living..I believe it has helped, a lot! I've said many times, God will provide or show me another way, even if its not the way I wanted to go in the first place.I'm learning to follow my instincts, and let go when things are just not working out, wait and rethink it out is what I'm starting to do..You might not know whats really good for you, or whether its a good time for you to get what your chasing..I've always had faith in the higher power, but as to follow its leadings, well to say the least...Yes I've been very slack, I have my reasons why I don't follow the Bible, except for the common sense parts or it, for those very reasons..common sense The 10 commandments, Proverbs are loaded with things that follow under (You should know better).

Stevie J, gave me $100, That was to pay for Murphs shots and med, But I put the cash towards a device for keeping all my electronics charged on sunny, I found it at Harbor Freight for $59, everywhere else sells them for over $100..and It works!!.. So my next U-E check will get Murph his meds, which puts my departure date to Sunday May 6th, He has a appointment with the vet Saturday May 5th.. John parker Sr, and his wife Gayle has allowed me to stay in their guest bedroom, I try to eat my own food, and stay out of the way, so as not to be in the way... When they found out how the benefit party went they both got me The Coinmaster pro Metal detector,.. I've pretty much am giving up on making a chargeable light system for the bike, I'm going to buy another one of those 3w LED spot lights that I got awhile back, and mount it on the front of the bike..It uses 4 AA batteries, which last 12hr straight, and put out a beam better than those most cyclist use and pay $300+ for.. However I will still use the LED lights I got, with the Lithium batteries I got from the laptops batteries I salvaged, I can charge the with the solar panel I just got,, I need to make sure people see the trailer, because Murph will be in it.. His safety is a must and going over board is not a issue on making him visible to vehicles coming up from behind us, before it was people eating and changing the radio that took their eyes off the road, but now its cell phones..Thats still isn't to bad, you can talk and drive, but you CANT TEXT AND DRIVE, your eyes MUST leave the sight of the road to type in on the keypad.. , and The younger generation still wont grasp the concept that you can't look down into your lap and drive between the lines, and for some reason teenage girls think they can do it.. I've stood on the side of the road and counted, 70% are teens, while 80% are girls that TEXT while driving.. THATS what scares me on a switch back, back road, texting your friend on what Justin Bieber song you'd like to be played at your wedding, is going to cost one of us our lives, and most likely it will be either Murph or I, and even possible both of us.. 

I'm sorta glad the tablet was acting up the night for the benefit, and two days later..I was writing some awful stuff, and was going to post it, nothing bad towards people in general, just a sobbing story of how I about wanted to give up, on everything all around, (no not suicide). Just drop everything and walk off, and leave Murph behind..It just wasn't going my way.. and thats How bad it was stressing me.. People heard me "bitch" but no one just knew how bad it was eating me up, no sleep, nor eating  was starting to take its toll..

 I have everything thats needed, other than getting the extra parts incase I have problems with the bike, chains, cables, spokes.. stuff like that and I'M DONE with supply chasing.. I have the Coinmaster I need to practice on, and if I can't "dig up" something to feed us I guess I'll allow Murph to Pimp me out, or I'll shake my tin can at street corners, (yes I have a tin can, but its really stainless steel)..So I didn't really break the promise, It was followed by very good news..IF anyone heres wants to buy a LG Slate hit me up..Its not really what I need, I was warned that Tablets, (more so Android) are not computers, doing stuff like this and photoshop isn't going to go over well, and they were right, I need to stick with my first plan, I should have got a netbook..( remember what I said earlier about following your instincts?), I'll sell it for Just enough To buy a good netbook and wifi card from a pre-paid company.. I paid over $400 for it, But I can get both of those for around $275 to $300..Its less than 6 months old, its just not what I really needed.. but it will do for now to play Angry Birds on.


Jerry & Murph E.Dog..


Monday, April 16, 2012

I've got a confession...I'm scared poo-less.

Yes e title right.. I'm scared. This isn't a simple ride down the street, nor is it a weekend camping trip with a friend. This is equivalent to taking a row boat to England. And with all thats going on in my head, I'm a little scatter brained, I find it hard to concentrate on my projects at hand. What is really eating me is what eats everyone else, funds..I've made all that I can make, But some things just have to be bought, I'm not a chemist, so I can't make Murphs shots, nor the simple frontline and heart worm medications, I don't have a machine shop nor would I know how to use one to make  spokes, chains, break pads, cables and clipless pedles..nad with the pedels, I'd need a sweet shop to have the shoes to use on the clipless pedels.. Then theres the matter I'm laying heavy on to help me the pay, The Whites coinmaster Pro metel dectector..As I've stated before to folks..13 states, over 4k miles, two states in tornadeo ally, I'm bound to find little odd and ends to help Murph and I get a motel room and maybe a even a decent meal along the way..

I know I said I wouldn't complain anymore, and to be truthful I don't really count this as complaining, just concern. With the benifit party coming up this Thursday at Club Orions on Market st, I'm leaning towards that helping me pay for the coinmaster..Thats 300 off the 650 I need for the remaining supplies..AND TO BOOT!!! I'm seriously kicking myself in the ass for buying the Lg Slate to use for keeping up my journals. I lost the curser 10 plus times so I had to close save and reopen this to get it back, Plus I found out its locked!! meaning after its last Android update, I can't update to a newer version of Android..But I guess its bette than carrying a 10lb laptop

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ye time is near, but theres lots to do..

15 days and counting, with the instalment of my new pannier bags, [Ortleibs] I'm over joyed about them..The day started out cold,48f and it took me to almost noon to get my butt in gear. I got the bags on, then ordered some other items from Amazon, handlebar bag with map holder, front low rider pannier rack, and curve under extensions that attach to the handle bars, These will help with what I already got. Now I have curve style bars, like what you find on most road bikes, but still keeping my original bars. this saves me moocho funds. I don't have to buy new break handles and shifters, just move them inward a little bit and I'm good to go.So I should have it together by the time Orions party is ready..This way I can have the bike parked outside for people to see what I'll be riding, I'll have it weighted down, but not with everything I'm taking. Just going with the look and the real feel..

I went to RECYCLES to get my front crank changed over, but ran $45 short, so I just puti t on lay away, then I'll get a set of clip ons added to help with slipping of my feet.the toes cages are not getting it anymore, By he time I have my right warped foot in the cage, I have to pull it out to get rolling again. I wind up dragging the top of it on the ground, since its top heavy, the cages hangs upside down. So now that something else I must get, or I wont have any peddles by the time I get to Kentucky, The bright side is they are only $20, bad side is I have 6o buy special shoes to wear on the, Those range from $50 to $100 a pair, take a guess which ones I'm buying lol.. After Leaving Recycles I rode to Jimmy Johns for some foodies, Bootlegger club, with extra hot peppers on the side..I can breath again ahhhhhh. went outside sat drank my coke, sat on my helmet, smoked a cigarette and thought to myself, "I'm going to need to kick these to the curb". I'm hard headed not just to other peoples advice, but my own as well, I'll have to learn the hard way..So riding back, I took a long way home, surprisingly I only had to stop 3x, but 5 total if you include the traffic lights. When I got back to Sessions, I wasn't in a hurry to fire one I said I learn the hard way,but It does wind up sinking in at some point or another. But the ride wore me out, Its only 7:30 pm and I'm ready for bed..I'm going to sleep good on the road for the first state. I'm going to make my camel pack tomorrow, then hit the road again, adding 10lbs more to the load.. I want to be able to haul 100 to 150 for 15 miles on very uneven roads. No its not 175 and no its not 30 miles either. But I believe I can get that by the 26th..Like I said, the logistics and BS had eaten up all my training time, I'll be happy 1/2 way conditioned than none at all..

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Its time for change, and it starts heres.

No more reports of the bad that keeps getting in the way, no more bitching about what needs to be done and doesn't for what ever reason. Negative energy feeds on itself and manifests from within. So I have to train myself on keeping positive thoughts till the end. I have two days left at the 1833-C apt that Amelia has allowed me to stay in till I tie up some lose ends, true nothing is going as planned but at least I have a roof over my head and a hot shower in the morning. And I'm grateful for it!!!!! I got some parts for the bike, and some other things needed for the trip this week at the flea markets, plus cheap foodies. I have to have the power turned off at the B apt, and get my mail forwarded across the street to my way old resident, where my ex manager but still good friend John Parker jr lives at.I'll be staying there till I can finish up all the other lil odds and ends, then its off to Gayle and John Parkers house for the last three weeks or less till the departure date. In that time I'm there its up early in the morning and ride ride ride. Lets be honest here, I'm not going to be in the best shape on take off day, but some training is better than no training. I don't expect but to do 20 to 30 miles a day till I get past the Blur Ridge parkway, But by the time I get to Kentucky I want and need to be at 40-50 miles a day.I believe I can do it, its feasible.

For anyone thats reading this, Club Orion on West Marker street in Greensboro is having a going away party and fund raiser for Murph E.Dog and I, everyone is welcome however donations are not a must to attend, I would love to see you peoples there anyway. So do make plans to show up... Now I have to get back at it, thanx for keeping up and I hope to see you at the party April 19th, that's a Thursday. One week before I leave..