Sunday Feb,12, 2012...The sales have been going awful, people are wanting the items I'm not selling. Food in the cabinets, the computer, the tv used on the computer, the clothes I'm keeping, MY GLASSES AND CELL PHONE, helmet and yes even the bike and murph..THATS what they are wanting to buy..I had 10 up to date xbox games, a woman didn't want them..she wanted the xbox which is busted up, and needs to be broken down every week to cleaned out on the inside, in order to work properly. Things promised to people and things needed to survive now and on the road are the top things being requested..To boot, if a box is sealed or room is off limits..THATS where they want to be..Its like dealing with unruly children.. you have to follow them and tell them no and stay out at every turn..I never in my life thought full grown adults had to be watched like children during a sale..The only things I've managed to sell so far are items I was wanting to keep..the bed, the microwave. the floor vac, and certain tools(which in turn I know I'll wind up having to buy to repair something..I have had some thing sold that I'm getting rid of, but that number is way under that of the items I have forsale..
Kevin (owner of Organized confusion on Spring garden st) has been the biggest help, he bought the xbox games, and donated $100 towards the trip, I had the money for Murphs trailer, but the phone bill and food along with business cards to pass out ate it up..badly The $10 vista cards came out to $64..even if I was to take the cards they offered at $10 it still would have cost over $30, shipping is $20... I got to rethink this, I'm spending to much time on logistics and not enough time training, the weather turned extremely cold, so bike riding has gone out the window..I have a house guest I'm having to take care due to his illness, and that to is putting me behind..I'm beginning to feel I'm having a flash back of the last time I tried to do this trip, other things are forcing me to put energy away from the trip, and forcing it to non-related events..The weight is coming back due to unhealthy eating habits..depression is setting in,I'm having to keep other people happy and putting mine on the back burner again..yep its a repeat of last year..The largest amount of people that are closest to me have already stated that they don't want me to do this trip, where acquaintances are cheering me on, if I didn't know better I'd swear the house guest which happens to be close friends to my ex-employer (the person thats trying the hardest to keep me from leaving) had planned this up..Knowing I don't turn people away that are having harder time than myself..
I can't move forward, when being pushed backwards......
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