Yep you read it right, Between finding my maps have been stolen,(and YES I know exactly who has them and why they took them) that was the start, then the post office closed early today, So the 22lbs of stuff I have to mail back, I get to carry it for another 60+ miles on larger hill than when I was arriving here to Mineral.. I think I'm going to toss out most of it, and keep the memorabilia, items till I get to Christianburg, then mail them out.. Then tent has a massive rip in it and one of thesupports is broken in half, But it keep the wind rain and the bugs out, that is till they find the rip in the tent and they come a feasting, lol and murphs pushes me out to the feeders while he goes and hides under the sleeping bag..Some protector!!
THE BEST I CAN TEEL YOU IS....Finding internet that the tablets will log onto is far and few between, and one person
I've metcant figurewhit doesn't want to log into certain places, and other it will. then, finding a library is even farthur away, So, I'm forced to post things using my phone,,
So if you want a more up to date posting of whats happening to " Jerry Murphy Matney " on facebook, and subscribe to it, I love blogspot but it gets hard to update when I have a picky tablet and towns with a library are far between... For those that don't know I got some photos posted I wanted to pick and chose, but the computer seem it was better at chosing what would be posted than what Ichose, so Only 1/2 made it on facebook, and I just let it go... Mr Wynnfries Thank you very much for the workshop to sleep and work on my bike in, And to Ingrid A. For buying Murph and I dinner at Mineral restaurant
There are some massive typos, this compueter didn't have the right click working AND any pace where i had to go back and correct, I had to re-write the entire pargraph from theclick point and on <---perfect example))
TECH DOES NOT LIKE OR LOVE ME ANYMORE...LOL! Also, please help us continue the rest of the state, if you can chip in a few bucks or more we Might be able to buy the maps and have them sent to a city on the Va routes, and we could move onto Kentucky, But If anything..I want to make it 1/2 way.. It would match my 1/2 a_s life hahahhehe..thank you to all again.
THE BEST I CAN TEEL YOU IS....Finding internet that the tablets will log onto is far and few between, and one person
I've metcant figurewhit doesn't want to log into certain places, and other it will. then, finding a library is even farthur away, So, I'm forced to post things using my phone,,
So if you want a more up to date posting of whats happening to " Jerry Murphy Matney " on facebook, and subscribe to it, I love blogspot but it gets hard to update when I have a picky tablet and towns with a library are far between... For those that don't know I got some photos posted I wanted to pick and chose, but the computer seem it was better at chosing what would be posted than what Ichose, so Only 1/2 made it on facebook, and I just let it go... Mr Wynnfries Thank you very much for the workshop to sleep and work on my bike in, And to Ingrid A. For buying Murph and I dinner at Mineral restaurant
There are some massive typos, this compueter didn't have the right click working AND any pace where i had to go back and correct, I had to re-write the entire pargraph from theclick point and on <---perfect example))
TECH DOES NOT LIKE OR LOVE ME ANYMORE...LOL! Also, please help us continue the rest of the state, if you can chip in a few bucks or more we Might be able to buy the maps and have them sent to a city on the Va routes, and we could move onto Kentucky, But If anything..I want to make it 1/2 way.. It would match my 1/2 a_s life hahahhehe..thank you to all again.
ALL chamber of commerce and major visitor centers will give maps for free. more info coming soon