Thanks for checking up with us, we are NOT stopping, but will be doing more,updates on Facebrook (lol) than here, First the tablet (which is Android, owned by google) has a hard time working right with blogger (also wned by Google), and It wont allow me to post picture from picasa (owned by oogle) and it wont allow me to give a quick link to it from here, and it wont allow me to give a quick link to videos on youtube..(YEP!, owneed by Google).. Ive been and always will be a Google fan, for everything they do, at least from them you get something from them at no charge when they are selling your info, unlike with the rest of those clowns out there, who comes up with better ways to keep tabs on ya, while charging you for much needed items to keep up with your day by day life... But as it stands, Googles idea of entering the computer age reminds me of early Window,and their "plug and play" motto, which really means"plug in and pray" that it will work.. but theres no blue screen of death, its just followed by 404,4001,501,503,502,405, and a bunch of other numbes..even while Im typing this,it wont allow me to see what Im typing inless I close it out and view it as a finished project.. on a Android device..SSOOOO for more information on whats happening, go to the right and click the link to facebook and subscribe to the" Jerry Murphy Matney " page to keep up with us, and if you want to see the video journals go to " murphedog "(thats the user name on Youtube) since i realized my handwriting is god awful, so much so ,I couldn't read my first two weeks worth of writing,lol rer itmakes me lookgood, and who know maybe It will get picked up by a station thats desperate for entrtainmentleast this way you can see how dark and skinny my face is getting..subscibe thee,i
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