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Saturday, July 14, 2012

So, here we are..

So here we are, in Kentucky that is, The people are awesome, the places we've seen is great. I sorta miss talking to people back home however, both the dealer and customer service for my phone both lied or didn't care to check to see if I COULD get service where i was going..Funny things is that. I can send text and receive them, but only about 50% of the time..I CAN get calls, but only from my provider telling me i had a call coming in, but because my account isn't paid that they weren't going to allow it through..(BS, my account is paid, the proof is in the text I send everyday to two cyclist in front of me, and they send me info on whats ahead on the route.. Its just someone doesn't want to hold up their end of the deal, and they use the idea of me being so far away from home, that I can't do anything about it.. We'll see about that!. Verizon you got my money for the last time, I'm moving over to a different service as of next month..

So Im in honest Abe's hometown Hudgensville Ky. great place to chill for a day, AND the best part is Im back on route after being off route for nearly a week and a half. Murph is fine and getting slimmer as the days goes by, but the flea and tick drops don't work anymore, after about a week they start eating us both up, I guess with the tent having so many holes in it now, doesn't help either.. The bike is about ready for a new chain, I think this one is stretched as far as its going to go, and all the things I collect from town to town has to go into the trash, I can't afford to send them home, things are getting more expensive, water even is getting costly. But its the price I pay to do what I'm doing..

Sorry about not loading up more photos and videos, but its would seem I have the only phone and tablet that isn't allowed to upload onto the internet via library computers. I must do it on a personal computer, and even thats tricky, I had the option at Andys home, but as soon as I started his internet went down and never came back up after 4 hours, and I couldn't wait any longer, got so upset i forgot my portable speaker and info cable and charger at their home, replacing the charger cost me dearly.. another slim week on the super skinny dollar. but now im able to snap photos where for three days I couldn't. however keep trying youtube and imgur under the username " murphedog " and thats where you'll find them.. what i have been able to upload that is, which also brings me to this, anyone got a netbook they want to donate, I need it soon or Im going to lose all my photos and videos due to the tablet is starting to have blackout fits, the screen just goes black, and I have to restart it in order to get it to come back on.. I would hate to lose 10 gigs of stuff that would be impossible to replace I bought a 16 gig USB flash drive but its almost full, and the phone is almost full again..

there is many I need to thank, but I left my list at the camp site, The names are many, but the love is much more.. I thank you all for keeping up and I'll type at cha L8R..

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I found the perfect place, BUT!!!

I've found the perfect place to do uploads, to FB and YT, BUT!! someone has accessed my facebook and Youtube accounts and now Im locked out of them...I guess I'm going to wind up delelting a lot of stuff to make room for Kentucky pictures and videos, I can't call them due to being in the mountains, my Page-Plus (verizon) account, has me locked out from making calls while "roaming" I went through West Virginia using Page-Plus and NEVER got locked out from calling people, Something stinks, and its not just me from not showering for two weeks....SO I'm going to upload all the pictures I can on Imgur, on a seperate account ..So give me about a day to get them up, I'm not locked out of my emails..YET!?!? but everything else is history till I can get a hold of someone to straighten them out..

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wytheville is worth taking a look at....

You read it correct, Its worth taking a closer look at than just driving by heading to another part of Virginia, RIGHT now!! its my #1 spot to settle down at if I was to call this a done deal, and/if I had the money to do so..NOT saying its costly to live here cause I'm not educated on the cost of living here, but you could be sure with a town of less than 10k it isn't going to be very much.. The people here ARE AWESOME!!, I haven't met a "mean" or unkind person yet, However many still seem to get lost in their own town, What should have taken me less than a hour took 5 due to wrong directions to businesses.

I called my mother and told her to sell G'ma/pa's house and get your butt here, This is your kind of community, reminds me of Willoughby  Ohio on Peach..

I want to thank Tracy and Beth, Woody and his daughter for their kindness and chicken for Murph.(I love Woody's Thing.."VW" thing, not the other "thing") I want to extend my thanks to the Wythe Arts Council, Ltd, Tom Street, and two great ladies that drove the same Van, and had played a mind game on me and didn't know it.. (Im ashamed I forgot the two ladies name,.. One fed Murph and I. her husband and children were great to us both and we/I thank them (Murph just pants) The event goes on for two more days check out for more information.. Tom, if you send me the information or just comment on the bottom of this, that would be great so I can let people know who they were..

OK off to Marion Va, Im taking a short cut to make up for lost time, I WAS going to bypass Damascus, But thats part of the challenge of making it out of VA on the 76, So I will bypass, RR, SG, and TD..Then Ill cut down to get to Damascus, stay a day and see if I can get a solid axle, and maybe some lighter supplies since its a town dedicated to the whole thing of bicycle traveling.. In reality I'm a day away, but it will take me three no doubt..

I want to extend a thanks to a special couple on the way into Wthyeville, for the food and cash to help us out till my UE deposited..It helped much..I tell ya folks, trying to survive on $100 a week is hard, but not so hard as trying to pay bills and rent with it in a town with no jobs.. So I better not complain to much.. I just hope that I can find something in Kansas or a job around the Mississippi just to hold me off till Spring till I can start up again, and finish to Oregon..speaking of which, Its 11 am and we need to get going..

KEEP IN MIND>>> To track us better is to subscribe to the " Jerry Murphy Matney " (Droopy and Drooper profile pic ) and " murphedog " on youtube ( I realized my hand writing was awful, So I started using my tablet and cell phone to do Video journals, and what would take 3 hours to do, now takes 3 minutes, and you can better understand it than if you had to read it.. THANK YOU ALL, AND GOD BLESS.. for my Atheist friends, See ya L8R, maybe.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ok, heres a re-do of yesterdays post,

As stated, Im having problems with my Google/Android devices and sites working with each other like they are meant to.. Wytheville comes in second to being the best place for Murph and I, Not saying the other cities we travel trough and people we talk to at the other places were awful or anything, Its just about how we are being treated and extended a amount of stay when in turn its meant to be only 24 hours or less, Today/night Tues, June 19th is Bluegrass shows going on at the Chautauqua event, a week long outside shows that start from 11am and run till 10pm, each day is a different style of music presented, Tom Street has been great at passing on the word about us wanting to stay and watch the Bluegrass show, and I got permission, And since dogs isn't allowed near the event after to many people brought Pitbulls and other dogs last year That wound up being a few dog bites, fights and to many piles of poo not cleaned up, they refused dog to be allowed this year.. But Murph and I are camped behind the stage, and it keeps him out of sight and the "well he brought his dog why isn't mine allowed" questions out of and conversation to the patrol..besides, the staff loves Murph, (imagine that),

So thank you Wythevilles Va,for the extension on our stay, it's much loved and appreciated I recommend Wytheville as a stopping place for anyone traveling down 81 or 77, not just at the rest/truck stops, the little town is awesome just like the people here ..Anyways, I need to go, I uploaded several pics to "Imgur" you can also view them their if you dont have a FB account, Its under the User name "Sirtet" BUT be warned, Some photos might be unappropriated  for younger viewers..THIS IS YOUR WARNING>> I dont want to get emails for not giving a warning.. Ok then..Im out of here to get foodies for me, Murph got fed already by passer bys..L8R ya'LL

REMEMEBER FOR MORE UP TO DATE INFO, SUBSCRIBE TO THE FACEBOOK ACCOUNT  " Jerry Murphy Matney " and for videos " murphedog "

thank you much, and if you can donate to help us along, unemployment is under $100 a week, and lot of things are starting to wear out, and will need to be replaced soon..The tent for one, the sleeping bag gave up the ghost,  now one of the front bags are falling apart.. thanx again for everything..God bless and we'll see ya's later

Monday, June 18, 2012

Thanks for checking in, but.....

Thanks for checking up with us, we are NOT stopping, but will be doing more,updates on Facebrook (lol) than here, First the tablet (which is Android, owned by google) has a hard time working right with blogger (also wned by Google), and It wont allow me to post picture from picasa (owned by oogle) and it wont allow me to give a quick link to it from here, and it wont allow me to give a quick link to videos on youtube..(YEP!, owneed by Google).. Ive been and always will be a Google fan, for everything they do, at least from them you get something from them at no charge when they are selling your info, unlike with the rest of those clowns out there, who comes up with better ways to keep tabs on ya, while charging you for much needed items to keep up with your day by day life... But as it stands, Googles idea of entering the computer age reminds me of early Window,and their "plug and play" motto, which really means"plug in and pray" that it will work.. but theres no blue screen of death, its just followed by 404,4001,501,503,502,405, and a bunch of other numbes..even while Im typing this,it wont allow me to see what Im typing inless I close it out and view it  as a finished project.. on a Android device..SSOOOO for more information on whats happening, go to the right and click the link to facebook and subscribe to the" Jerry Murphy Matney " page to keep up with us, and if you want to see the video journals go to " murphedog "(thats the user name on Youtube) since i realized my handwriting is god awful, so much so ,I couldn't read my first two weeks worth of writing,lol rer itmakes me lookgood, and who know maybe It will get picked up by a station thats desperate for entrtainmentleast this way you can see how dark and skinny my face is getting..subscibe thee,i

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

making this quick, forgive..

Im now leaving Buchanan va, heading toward  the Big R, Va I need to get my meds.. I got Photos of the trip up on the FB for Jerry Murphy Matney, subscribe and you can see them.. I want to say thanx to To Bud Shaw and his kids Cody and Rebbecca for their hospitality, and I want to thank thier pup-a-dogs/wolves for protecting us from the Bob cats coming down the hill that night, Please Bud send me some photos of those two, I miss them already.. I want to thank the people of Buchanan, Paul, Randy martin (pastor), John at Twin rivers, and the Cook at the Buchanan Grill for the BIGGEST DAMN PANCAKES ever had..Those were awesome. plus Murphs thanx you for the bacon.. Check it out if your traveling through, its at 19771 Main st, closed Mondays, as I found out the hard way.. or go to and check it out that way.. I need to get rolling if the funds get big enough where i can sit a nd type for longer than 30 minutes I'll update everything in one shot with details, but its a piece and part working arrangement at the moment. I get it done when I can.. If I could afford the tablet to be turned on I could update ever night, But thats NOT going to happen..  So I'm told my unemployment might not run out, I'll find out Thursday. if the money made it in..If not please help out if you can by going to the donation button on this page. every lil bit helps, and for those that had given us food and shelter, please don't, you did it for someone behind did enough and Murph and I thank you.. Ok as stated go to the Facebook link in the top right corner of this page and subscribe, and start viewing what I got up, and what some of you are missing..Thank you again for those that helped me and Murphy out while we are out and about..Godspeed to those looking to travel the lonely road with Murph and I..

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The longest stay....

I rolled into Palmyra Va Sunday around 6:45 PM. I met Betty, her and her mother were doing some yard work, I asked Betty where a near by church was, if the preacher would mind if I stayed the night so I could continue to Charolettesville the next morning.. She went in a made the call, Murph and I went to a BP and I got some milk and sweet to help keep the energy up while I waited..The call came in, I'm sorry Mr Matney but the insurance companies won't allow cyclist to stay on the grounds anymore..Forgive me for saying, But it would seem a banker speaks louder than God in the House of God.. So heres where It goes down hill, I called the Sheriffs office, they said I could stay at the Pole Barns, in Pleasant Grove about 1 1/2 miles up hill, My legs are already jelly at this moment, and night fall is setting in fast..Off I go.

I'm coming up to route 53, and I see a restaurant, I got $5 buck left from the fireman that helped me out in Mineral, I'll go in a get something to snack on when I set up camp..I got into a conversation about the trip and the chronic bad luck that has been eating my butt for a week, So a great person bought my dinner for Murph and I, as I was about to make a call to GP to let her pass it on Im alive, I got pulled outside because it was closing time, so Out I went, I couldn't eat much, because I haven't been eating much at all in the first place, So I packed it up and got to pushing the bike uphill, ITS BLACK pitch dark, the LED light cuts it nicely, and gives me a 15 feet forward veiw, but something is trying to sneak up on Murph and I behind us, I hear its growling and snorting, so My head starts spinning like a police car light, I have the "headlight" glued to the helmet and a red flashing light glued as well to the back.. Just when it was about  20 feet behind me a car pulled up and IT took off in the direction we just walked from, A guy asked me where I was going, and he mentioned he too was a cyclist, I told him about the Pole Barns, and the Sheriffs office, he pointed me in the right direction. we said goodbye, But I wish I got his name and number, he could have been a bigger help in the following days to come.

I searched my pocket(s) to find my phone..OH GOD NOW WHAT!!! I've misplaced my phone, I know where its at, I'll go get it in the morning....WRONG!! again, but we'll get to that in a minute. So I walk up to the office, they tell me its another 3/4 mile up the road on the right..a walking we will go, a walking we will go, Hi HO the dairy O, a walking we will go.. I find it, but not where they told me to go, cause the light was about gone, and its DEAD BLACK where the light isn't hitting. SO I set up camp by the nearest picnic table, Yogi and Boo boo , will have to search out another one to stalk I thought to myself..

I wake up to the sound and feeling of RAIN pouring into the tent, so more or less Im sleeping in a pool of water while Murph climbs on my belly to stay dry..Some dog!.  about 3 hours later more or less I got up to the sound of a dog sniffing out the tent, I walk about looking for something to charge the tablet, so the GPS might be able to tell me where Im at. I meet AARON SPITZER he is the coordinator for the grounds, and he leads me to the pole barns, and he gives me a couple bottles of water and Gartor aid, I tell him I left my phone at the smokehouse, then he informs me they are closed Monday and Tuesday,,OH GREAT,  another three day stay, this is killing the idea of getting out of Virginia in May,.. Im map-less, phone-less, and most of all CASH-less..Stick a fork in me Im done, with it. After a couple of conversation with a few people a man named Doug drives me to the smokehouse in hoping, that someone might be doing some cleaning, but to no avail, I ask him to take me to the store, I can get some ramon noodles for me to hold me off with the $5 I have left, Doug hands me $20 and said you need it, I tried to give him the change but he would have it.. This got me some peanut butter to help the hurting legs muscles, and a couple of drinks, along with some Folgers freeze dried coffee with those Flavor crystals as they call it..Butt flavor crystals is what I call it. So I go back and set up camp for the night.. I get a rude awaking to a sound of something VERY big roaming outside the tent, and I'm to chicken to look, but it took down a tree from the sound of it..mean while "killer" lying next to me is snoring so loud I don't think he'd know if the Earth was under Alien attack..I 'm sure I'd hear it first.

I wake up the next day to find a 4 inch thick sapling on the ground 30 feet from the tent, The Aaron pulls up to check on me and mentions about a few "small" black bears that walk about.. as Bill Cosby said, "first you say it , then you do it". He leave and I get to meet Dr Bob Burger, he's been my biggest help, he gave me his bible since I can't access mine without internet, (remember this is a spiritual ride as well for me), gets in contact with a few people to help me get my phone back sooner, I've met many super folks, Sam, Shining Sam I call him, with his diamond ear ring, and angle wing seat stubs shining, he told me it was safe to use my metal detector in this area of the state, GREAT! something to do while I wait,.

I found..metal, thats what it does, but I'm up to 28 cents so far. Murph and I go for a walk through the trails, and pretty much got lost, I found a old chicken coup, and walk towards it and came out behind the library, super, I ran into Betty, Betty knows the person that babysits fro Joshua (owner of the smokehouse) and she leaves a message with them about my problem.. she takes me to the store, I get Murph and I a chicken dinner, then when I get back, Just as I was pulling the zipper open I saw my phone sitting on the sleeping bag..YES!!!, Betty drives back to let me know that It was Bob whom got the phone fro me, and that they werer looking for me, but figured I went for a walk in the trails, Yep I did and got lost to. Super..

Now I have the phone, guess I'll call gayle and let her know I'm done with it. Buy me a train ticket back, and I'll chalk this up as another failure in my life, No pain, no gain, but Im getting plenty of pain, but as for gaining..Pfft!! Im losing my butt at every turn. I called Adventure cycling after leaving them a email, with no response..Could you help me? I'm a member, I donated, (not much but Im unemployed) I spent $138 fro these maps, and I got one left, that someone didn't steal. the answer isn't one I thought I would get from a group of people whos"s commitment is cycling, and helping and showing people about how great cycling across America can be... NO! No download, No back-up plan for the money I spent with them, No assistance on what to do, NO NO NO. nothing I pretty much got shoved off the phone..quickly.. I can't believe it, the very people that I put on the back of my traveling cards, the folks I spoke highly of and called Gods of cycling, just hung me out to dry in the middle of nowhere, with out giveing me assistance on how to get back..NOTHING!!..I have a few words I'd love to say, but since children are reading this I'll bite my fingers.. For the next 300 cards I have left,, I'm taking a black magic marker and removing their name from my card, You want me to promote your business for the sake of Adventure cycling..PAY ME!! or do it yourself.

So Bob wants me to carry on with the travels, problem is Im to broke to spend another $138 for the maps, my unemployment runs out in two weeks, I can't do it, its taking to long to leave Virginia, YES! the problems I've had HAS been fixed, But still, no funds arer coming into the donation bin..Its what I expected, but I got talked into putting it up, and whats coming out of it is what I figured would happen..It does look cool though.. But Bob keeps pushing on staying the trip.. Follow my own path, not someone Else's, map it out yourself,.. IDK I'll really need to think this out, I would be very happy to make it to the Mississippi, THATS worth bragging about, but funds, and being so far behind is killing it, for what I've spent, I should be past Berea Kentucky by now, but I havn't left the first half of the trip..

I have to think this out...I want to thank Bob Burger, Betty, Doug, Sam, Joshua and his wife, the local Sheriffs Office, the Palmyra Library, On this note, if anyone has lightly used books and music cd, movies ect ect, PLEASE send them to the Fluvanna county library in Palmyra, they need them, its a great place, that needs a few more things to make it..also computer related items couldn't hurt either. Aaron, Greg, Anthony, The guy with the Holister shirt, (sorry for forgetting your name) and the rest of Fluvanna park care takers for allowing me to stay in the pole barns... See you all later.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Chronic Bad-luck kicking in over drive to day

Yep you read it right, Between finding my maps have been stolen,(and YES I know exactly who has them and why they took them) that was the start, then the post office closed early today, So the 22lbs of stuff I have to mail back, I get to carry it for another 60+ miles on larger hill than when I was arriving here to Mineral.. I think I'm going to toss out most of it, and keep the memorabilia, items till I get to Christianburg, then mail them out.. Then tent has a massive rip in it and one of thesupports is broken in half, But it keep the wind rain and  the bugs out, that is till they find the rip in the tent and they come a feasting, lol and murphs pushes me out to the feeders while he goes and hides under the sleeping bag..Some protector!!

THE BEST I CAN TEEL YOU IS....Finding internet that the tablets will log onto is far and few between, and one person
I've metcant figurewhit doesn't want to log into certain places, and other it will. then, finding a library is even farthur away, So, I'm forced to post things using my phone,,
So if you want a more up to date posting of whats happening to " Jerry Murphy Matney " on facebook, and subscribe to it, I love blogspot but it gets hard to update when I have a picky tablet and towns with a library are far between... For those that don't know I got some photos posted I wanted to pick and chose, but the computer seem it was better at chosing what would be posted than what Ichose, so Only 1/2 made it on facebook, and I just let it go... Mr Wynnfries Thank you very much for the workshop to sleep and work on my bike in, And to Ingrid A. For buying Murph and I dinner at Mineral restaurant

There are some massive typos, this compueter didn't have the right click working AND any pace where i had to go back and correct, I had to re-write the entire pargraph from theclick point and on <---perfect example))

TECH DOES NOT LIKE OR LOVE ME ANYMORE...LOL!  Also, please help us continue the rest of the state, if you can chip in a few bucks or more we Might be able to buy the maps and have them sent to a city on the Va routes, and we could move onto Kentucky, But If anything..I want to make it 1/2 way.. It would match my 1/2 a_s life hahahhehe..thank you to all again.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

One week, gaining little ground.

I'm one week in, The ride is in fact hell between points. But I can tell you is, the 1 to 2 days at any one spot is getting old fast.. I'd rather be riding two days on and one day off, but now its the oppisite. The trailer and weight problem has been fixed, However I'm still having shifting issues. The one person that said he could fix it,IF I got it to him went on vacation the day I arrived  in his home town Ashland, I paid$ 40 to get a new axel and hub work done, But this gentelman stated I'd need new shiftrs... (they are new shiftrs, and these didn't stop the problem, why would another set be a fixer, IDK).. These cost are killing me, nad its not just that, when sittng idle, you tend to consume more than  youneed o survive( SPACEBAR  IS STARTINGTO ACTUP AGAIN). So-now-I have-to go-back-to-doing-this..

I'll-be-leaving-from-the-KOA-camp-ground-Thursday-morning-Dave-McCrackin-with DTB-is playing-Charlottesville-Va-this-sat,But thats 120+/--miles away, If-I-left-today-I-could-catch-it,But-I'm-goih-to-miss-seeing-my-friend,AND-NO-MATTER-WHAT,I-cant use-or-gain-any-mileage-on-anyting-but-a-peddle-powered-ride..This-makes-me-sad-that-Im-forced-to-miss-the-show,I-cant-do-60-miles-a-day-with-the-shifter-problems-Im-having..If-it-was-working-like-it-should-I-would-barely-make-it,HOWEVER,I-wont-make-it-at-all..

I've been so stressed (yes the spacebar is working again), I am doing a 1/2 pack of smokes a day..NOT GOOD!!..And to boot,I've got a angry spider somewhere in my tent, every morning I wake up with 2  to 6 new welts  on my BUTT and legs.. and they ITCH LIKE A CRAZY. I guess its thinking like Murph E.Dog, Its my fault thatits raining outside.. So both are going to takei it out on my..........

Well speaking of which, my butt is going numb now, sitting onthis concrete floor, I need to move and keep my legs limber, when the intefnet is bette or if I hit a library I'll give better details, on whats goings down, cash is getting tight, and as long as Im  in this historic side of the  ride, I dare not try to use the Coinmaster, in fear of it getting it taken away from me and locked up.. The camp ground manager and I will go and try his and mine out tonight on the grounds, but I have to split it 50/50 on the findings, fair enough for me,, I type at you all later.....

Friday, May 11, 2012

Wonderful people on the horizon,

So heres the skinny, Williamsburg Va, to Charles City is deselent, If your walking or riding bring lots of water and some food. I had a reak down 5 miles out of Charles City. I pushed the bike a trailer with Murph in it 4.5 of the 5 miles.. The reason i left  murph in the trailer is due to the fact I
mmkkkkk c auxktan walk faster (3 to 3.4 mph), on the other hand if he's walking next to me we MIGHT get up to 2, but only for a few feet before he's off markiing his tree,bush,beer can,dead creature on the road side..  How can a 25lb dog hold 25 gallons of piss?   

The trailers yoke is wearing out due to Murph standing or trying to stand in it. I felt a hard pull, cussed Murph again for standing then turnedto look at it, ans saw the entire cart leaning to the left in a 45 degree angle, Thats when the pushing began. In order to be place in the book for doing the Transam, I'm not to use or take a motorized vehical, But after 4.5 miles pushing a ove weighted bike, with a broken trailer..I could turn away the offer made by a state crew to ride me to the next city, Charles that is.

I talk to law enforcment at they set me up in thier lil park by the old court house. I spent a good chunk of my time here weeding out un needed stuff, removing 17 lbs, and tossing out 2lbs of trash, since I dont litter.. With the trailer messed up I hardley felt the difference. I bent it back, and made the trailer pretty much empty, I'll be forced to strap Murph down to keep swaying to a minimum, till we get to Mechanicsville, Maybe I can find someone to weld it..

Tomorrow this lil city becomes a big hit, over 2k in cyclist are to start a benefit ride going across the state, Of cousre they seem to think I'm part of this crew, I laugh and say I'm to far out of their league

Monday, May 7, 2012

The luck doesn't change, thank god the veiw does..

I spent three hours last night on the in-house computer updating everything, only a 3rd got posted..I had a hour long "story" for here..but as I just looked at it, well..its plain to see something went amiss and it didn't get published..Very well then, I'll just redo it.

Its now late in he evening, The tablet keeps blinking off and on, at least the screen does..but its still putting down a great chunk of what Itype, but it doesn't like to put spaces between words, I think I'm going to have to use someting else as a space, even this little bit took to long totypeout, going back and adding spaces where none is at is kinda tedious, and makes me lose my train or thought..Murph-has-made-many-new-friends,he-cant-seem-to-get-enouhg-of-the-love-he's-getting-from-everyone.He-loves-yard-here-wants-to-roll-in-it-at-every-moment-he-steps-outside.I-just-got-done-looking-the-book-over,the-cyclist-sign-in-list.I-sent-a-message-to-Lisa-and-Sam,that-Murph-and-I-are-behind-them,just-not-that-close,They-got-4-to-5-days-headstart,from-what-I-just-read-they-are-now-in-Williamsburg---hmmm-5days-away-to-williamsburg-for-expierencd-riders,guess-that-means-murph-and-I-will-arrive-in-2-to-5-weeks,lol.-I'm-loving-Yorktown,and-they-are-hiring-at-every-place-around,I'll-be-honest-If-I-had-a-longer-place-to-stay,I'd-take-up-the-offer-I-got-today,in-a-minute-flat!!.I'm-and-murph-is-loving-this-place..I-hate-to-leave,but-this-isn't-my-house-and-whats-calling-for-me-hasn't-shut-up-yet..So,-I-need-to-move-on..Speaking-of-I-need-to-sign-off-go-take-a-shower,then-repack-the-bags..then-re-map-the-way-out-of-here..Goodnight,at-my-next-intenet-connection-i'll put-more-up,maybe-then-the-tablet-wont-be-acting-up-on-the-blogger-account.. Thanx-to-all-and-be-blessed..

Friday, May 4, 2012

Its Friday, and I'm hung-over..

You read it right, hung-over..I went out with a group of friends last night and got intoxicated, then wound up passing out on a friends couch, Now here I am eating day old, mild heat pasta (everyone in the house seems to thinks it volcano hot), Its bringing a lil water to the eyes, but hey its cleaning out the sleepy's from the corners. I'm less than 72 hours from being dropped off, and left behind on my own choice, The derailleur is still giving me issues, I told one of the guys at recycles I'm the only person on this tour riding a 27 FIXED gear bike, You would think, a not so cheap derailleur and two different shifters the problem would fixed, but its not.. What makes it more of a pain in the ass, is IT DOSEN"T MESS UP WHEN I'M AT RECYCLES, and the guys tell me I have to change the way I'm shifting, But lets be truthful a bike sitting on a bike repair rack is going to be have differenlty over a bike going ten feet with a 200 lb rider on it.. I'll wait till i get to a shop that specializes in tour bikes, they might be able to fix the problem with the bike, or if its me, then me.

I'm slow going and I need to get going, I want to stop by Carolina Coffee and pick up a pound of something good for the road, I'm thinking a Mexico, Peaberry blend.. yumm. or Mocha Java,, YES! thats it.. I'll need it Monday Morning. Well I need to get going. sorry this is short, But I'll give a better run down when I'm sitting in Yorktown Va Sunday.. Love ya guys, thanx for keeping up.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Eight day away.. time to stop prep'n and get riding.

Before I got one step further (((Murph and I want to thank Cobb Automotive / Carolina Performance Transmission for their $100 donation,.. Thank you Shane, and Jennifer Cobb. Murph will stay dry and clean with a fender on the back tire now)))

I've  pretty  much  gave  up  on  making  a  rechargeable  head and tail light battery  system  for  the  bike  and trailer,  times  running  out  is  the  big  reason  with  many  other  little  projects  that  still need to  be tweaked out, I'll by a light  that  will  take  AA  or  AAA, I'm able to  recharge  those, But  it will  be  another choice  on  what  gets  the  sunny day on  the  solar  panel. LOL, I  followed  the instruction  of  a  instructables  submitter but the wires melted when I tried it out on a junk pice of electronics that I had. Because  the  solar  panel  is  a  little  week  on  the amps  part  to  charge  the  LG Slate, (yes I still have it), So  I  was making  a 7volt  2200mah back  up  battery  system  for  it and a means to hook several lithium batteries that would need to be recharged everyday, but could go two to three days before needing to charge them up, The panel would have gotten it to 5v and 950mah, but it would have been a back up as stated, just something so I could finish watching a movie or pre-writing the journal for what happen that day, (This being done at night where no internet connection is at, NOT! me making something up then not riding that day)so by the time I do find a connection I just need to load.......Dammit!! thats right this isn't a computer I can't do anything like word on here.. Ok then no writing jack without internet, I better bring paper and pencil...Hmm I just noticed the spaces between the words got smaller.. Or maybe my eyes are crapping out on me IDK..

Yesterday wasn't such a great day, We lost a family member, She was 17 old, (in cat years, much older I guess) Patches A.K.A patchy-cat.. It seemed she held on as long as people were near by, but when we walked away she would just fade and get weaker, I felt Like I could have done something, I just don't know what. While I was running around gathering things, I got the call that she passed away when everybody had walked away for a hour..Wish I could have posted a picture here, but Picasa, & flicker has problems with my blog account.  SO photo linking is out. ( not going to get into it)

I got the homemade map bag/handle bar bag to work after 6 hours of trying to keep the bag latch from sliding down on the handle bars..Amazon sent the wrong request to a company, I ordered a map bag, and Amazon sent them a request for a map bag quick release latch that attaches to the handle bar.. SpeedGoat refunded my money and told me to keep the item, I put a cheapo cooler to the quick release part and attached the latch to the handle bar, Not bad, I'm not bitching it works perfect for me, its big enough to hold the maps, and a few other things... AND its insulated.. I used a thick piece of Plexiglas I had as a board for the quick release to attach to, SO DONE!

Todays project: Clean up my mess in the garage, Then go see David, and get Murphs butt squeezed, since he can't stay away from the cat food, his butt gland get full fast, he starts doing to poop shoot boogie on the ground, or the sit and spin.. I sometime laugh my head off to think , when I think he knows what he's doing AND what its doing to him..and he continues just so the vet can pinch his butt, He likes it but yells so no one will believe it, You would think after 6 years he'd make the connection being the smart dog that he is..But as stated, he likes it or thinks 20 seconds of pain is worth 2 weeks in cat food when no one is watching..

Time to get moving, expect mistakes, and spelling, for a while when I'm on the road. It takes to long to go back a try to fix things, sometimes if it really bad i have to delete a hours worth or typing to fix a few, then I just stop and put it up in frustration.. bare with me, When I get a netbook, or to a library I'll fix them, its 10:30 am, good as anytime to get started, yesterday I got motivated at 2pm.. to much to do, to be that slack anymore..  Type at cha L8R..

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Breaking the promise,...

Yes you read it right, But not the trips promise. I'm breaking he promise not to mention negative things..I can't update the blog on positive auctions when theres none going on. and I don't want the blog to look abandoned, I need to report something..So here it is!

The fund rasier for Murph and I was a complete fail..I invited over 50 people I knew, not a one showed up, After the payback to Stevie J for a $50 loan so I could see my Dr at the first of the month of April, and giving Dj Wege some cash to say thanx for Dj'ing the benefit..I made less  than $23.

I knew that was going to happen, no one wanted to listen, I like Stevie's Idea of putting it off to a later date like April 27th, But Wege said he couldn't do it because of the large amount of invites he passed out. So I was forced to go on with the show...and the show was a no go!. None of his people showed, and nor mine..That was my last chance to get Murph his shots and meds for the road, and the coinmaster pro to help support us while being on the road..I'm now at a complete loss on what to do. My unemployment is going to run out in one month, and I will not get a extension due to it was considered part-time, even though I was full time for three years at the place..They refuse to look at my real work history, the are focused on just the last quarter before John and Gayle closed the business down.

Well there is a bright side to this, generally..when I get unemployed and homeless in the past, it was always two to three weeks before Christmas...


Things have gone a different direction, I can't pin point when things started to change but I can give a idea on why..I've been listening to 94.1 k-love, (or its J) the speakers are muffled, and Christian music station.. Music and song of positive thinking and living..I believe it has helped, a lot! I've said many times, God will provide or show me another way, even if its not the way I wanted to go in the first place.I'm learning to follow my instincts, and let go when things are just not working out, wait and rethink it out is what I'm starting to do..You might not know whats really good for you, or whether its a good time for you to get what your chasing..I've always had faith in the higher power, but as to follow its leadings, well to say the least...Yes I've been very slack, I have my reasons why I don't follow the Bible, except for the common sense parts or it, for those very reasons..common sense The 10 commandments, Proverbs are loaded with things that follow under (You should know better).

Stevie J, gave me $100, That was to pay for Murphs shots and med, But I put the cash towards a device for keeping all my electronics charged on sunny, I found it at Harbor Freight for $59, everywhere else sells them for over $100..and It works!!.. So my next U-E check will get Murph his meds, which puts my departure date to Sunday May 6th, He has a appointment with the vet Saturday May 5th.. John parker Sr, and his wife Gayle has allowed me to stay in their guest bedroom, I try to eat my own food, and stay out of the way, so as not to be in the way... When they found out how the benefit party went they both got me The Coinmaster pro Metal detector,.. I've pretty much am giving up on making a chargeable light system for the bike, I'm going to buy another one of those 3w LED spot lights that I got awhile back, and mount it on the front of the bike..It uses 4 AA batteries, which last 12hr straight, and put out a beam better than those most cyclist use and pay $300+ for.. However I will still use the LED lights I got, with the Lithium batteries I got from the laptops batteries I salvaged, I can charge the with the solar panel I just got,, I need to make sure people see the trailer, because Murph will be in it.. His safety is a must and going over board is not a issue on making him visible to vehicles coming up from behind us, before it was people eating and changing the radio that took their eyes off the road, but now its cell phones..Thats still isn't to bad, you can talk and drive, but you CANT TEXT AND DRIVE, your eyes MUST leave the sight of the road to type in on the keypad.. , and The younger generation still wont grasp the concept that you can't look down into your lap and drive between the lines, and for some reason teenage girls think they can do it.. I've stood on the side of the road and counted, 70% are teens, while 80% are girls that TEXT while driving.. THATS what scares me on a switch back, back road, texting your friend on what Justin Bieber song you'd like to be played at your wedding, is going to cost one of us our lives, and most likely it will be either Murph or I, and even possible both of us.. 

I'm sorta glad the tablet was acting up the night for the benefit, and two days later..I was writing some awful stuff, and was going to post it, nothing bad towards people in general, just a sobbing story of how I about wanted to give up, on everything all around, (no not suicide). Just drop everything and walk off, and leave Murph behind..It just wasn't going my way.. and thats How bad it was stressing me.. People heard me "bitch" but no one just knew how bad it was eating me up, no sleep, nor eating  was starting to take its toll..

 I have everything thats needed, other than getting the extra parts incase I have problems with the bike, chains, cables, spokes.. stuff like that and I'M DONE with supply chasing.. I have the Coinmaster I need to practice on, and if I can't "dig up" something to feed us I guess I'll allow Murph to Pimp me out, or I'll shake my tin can at street corners, (yes I have a tin can, but its really stainless steel)..So I didn't really break the promise, It was followed by very good news..IF anyone heres wants to buy a LG Slate hit me up..Its not really what I need, I was warned that Tablets, (more so Android) are not computers, doing stuff like this and photoshop isn't going to go over well, and they were right, I need to stick with my first plan, I should have got a netbook..( remember what I said earlier about following your instincts?), I'll sell it for Just enough To buy a good netbook and wifi card from a pre-paid company.. I paid over $400 for it, But I can get both of those for around $275 to $300..Its less than 6 months old, its just not what I really needed.. but it will do for now to play Angry Birds on.


Jerry & Murph E.Dog..


Monday, April 16, 2012

I've got a confession...I'm scared poo-less.

Yes e title right.. I'm scared. This isn't a simple ride down the street, nor is it a weekend camping trip with a friend. This is equivalent to taking a row boat to England. And with all thats going on in my head, I'm a little scatter brained, I find it hard to concentrate on my projects at hand. What is really eating me is what eats everyone else, funds..I've made all that I can make, But some things just have to be bought, I'm not a chemist, so I can't make Murphs shots, nor the simple frontline and heart worm medications, I don't have a machine shop nor would I know how to use one to make  spokes, chains, break pads, cables and clipless pedles..nad with the pedels, I'd need a sweet shop to have the shoes to use on the clipless pedels.. Then theres the matter I'm laying heavy on to help me the pay, The Whites coinmaster Pro metel dectector..As I've stated before to folks..13 states, over 4k miles, two states in tornadeo ally, I'm bound to find little odd and ends to help Murph and I get a motel room and maybe a even a decent meal along the way..

I know I said I wouldn't complain anymore, and to be truthful I don't really count this as complaining, just concern. With the benifit party coming up this Thursday at Club Orions on Market st, I'm leaning towards that helping me pay for the coinmaster..Thats 300 off the 650 I need for the remaining supplies..AND TO BOOT!!! I'm seriously kicking myself in the ass for buying the Lg Slate to use for keeping up my journals. I lost the curser 10 plus times so I had to close save and reopen this to get it back, Plus I found out its locked!! meaning after its last Android update, I can't update to a newer version of Android..But I guess its bette than carrying a 10lb laptop

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ye time is near, but theres lots to do..

15 days and counting, with the instalment of my new pannier bags, [Ortleibs] I'm over joyed about them..The day started out cold,48f and it took me to almost noon to get my butt in gear. I got the bags on, then ordered some other items from Amazon, handlebar bag with map holder, front low rider pannier rack, and curve under extensions that attach to the handle bars, These will help with what I already got. Now I have curve style bars, like what you find on most road bikes, but still keeping my original bars. this saves me moocho funds. I don't have to buy new break handles and shifters, just move them inward a little bit and I'm good to go.So I should have it together by the time Orions party is ready..This way I can have the bike parked outside for people to see what I'll be riding, I'll have it weighted down, but not with everything I'm taking. Just going with the look and the real feel..

I went to RECYCLES to get my front crank changed over, but ran $45 short, so I just puti t on lay away, then I'll get a set of clip ons added to help with slipping of my feet.the toes cages are not getting it anymore, By he time I have my right warped foot in the cage, I have to pull it out to get rolling again. I wind up dragging the top of it on the ground, since its top heavy, the cages hangs upside down. So now that something else I must get, or I wont have any peddles by the time I get to Kentucky, The bright side is they are only $20, bad side is I have 6o buy special shoes to wear on the, Those range from $50 to $100 a pair, take a guess which ones I'm buying lol.. After Leaving Recycles I rode to Jimmy Johns for some foodies, Bootlegger club, with extra hot peppers on the side..I can breath again ahhhhhh. went outside sat drank my coke, sat on my helmet, smoked a cigarette and thought to myself, "I'm going to need to kick these to the curb". I'm hard headed not just to other peoples advice, but my own as well, I'll have to learn the hard way..So riding back, I took a long way home, surprisingly I only had to stop 3x, but 5 total if you include the traffic lights. When I got back to Sessions, I wasn't in a hurry to fire one I said I learn the hard way,but It does wind up sinking in at some point or another. But the ride wore me out, Its only 7:30 pm and I'm ready for bed..I'm going to sleep good on the road for the first state. I'm going to make my camel pack tomorrow, then hit the road again, adding 10lbs more to the load.. I want to be able to haul 100 to 150 for 15 miles on very uneven roads. No its not 175 and no its not 30 miles either. But I believe I can get that by the 26th..Like I said, the logistics and BS had eaten up all my training time, I'll be happy 1/2 way conditioned than none at all..

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Its time for change, and it starts heres.

No more reports of the bad that keeps getting in the way, no more bitching about what needs to be done and doesn't for what ever reason. Negative energy feeds on itself and manifests from within. So I have to train myself on keeping positive thoughts till the end. I have two days left at the 1833-C apt that Amelia has allowed me to stay in till I tie up some lose ends, true nothing is going as planned but at least I have a roof over my head and a hot shower in the morning. And I'm grateful for it!!!!! I got some parts for the bike, and some other things needed for the trip this week at the flea markets, plus cheap foodies. I have to have the power turned off at the B apt, and get my mail forwarded across the street to my way old resident, where my ex manager but still good friend John Parker jr lives at.I'll be staying there till I can finish up all the other lil odds and ends, then its off to Gayle and John Parkers house for the last three weeks or less till the departure date. In that time I'm there its up early in the morning and ride ride ride. Lets be honest here, I'm not going to be in the best shape on take off day, but some training is better than no training. I don't expect but to do 20 to 30 miles a day till I get past the Blur Ridge parkway, But by the time I get to Kentucky I want and need to be at 40-50 miles a day.I believe I can do it, its feasible.

For anyone thats reading this, Club Orion on West Marker street in Greensboro is having a going away party and fund raiser for Murph E.Dog and I, everyone is welcome however donations are not a must to attend, I would love to see you peoples there anyway. So do make plans to show up... Now I have to get back at it, thanx for keeping up and I hope to see you at the party April 19th, that's a Thursday. One week before I leave..

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Leaving 1833, and getting the jitters about being on the road..again

Well, I'm 4 days away from leaving 1833, Now I have to do a rip down clean up of the place. since its 80% empty it should only take 6 hours..Then Its realy time to concentrate on the trip and this needed for it, as of April more logistic. if the items I've been trying to sell at flea markets for the past two months are still in the van, Then the landfill is going to get a bit fuller..I had thought about doing a sale this weekend Monday..and i was preparing for it..Then saw last night they are calling for a repeat of the past two Saturdays, bad T-storms in the morning hours, clearing up as the day moves on..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..I hope this isn't a prelude of what I'm going to go through on the road. I'm sure my luck will change once I have Greensboro in the back of my mind..Not the people mind you, I'll keep them near my heart where they belong.
I'm feeling unprepared, in fact I know I am. Its coming down to what I really need for the trip..No water filter is going to be going with me,I'll just have to pack extra bottles. of water where ever I can find it. Then pray lol. I'll need the front rack and bags, THATS a must. plus parts for the bike..those too are a must. Chipping Murph E.Dog seems to be out of the question, I'll need to get the drops to control fleas ticks and mosquito bites for him Thats a must, along with his vaccines. The Whites Coinmaster pro looks to be out of reach, (sigh) I'm sure that could pay for itself about 1/2 way through I'm sure.. I've got my van on craigslist. But now I have another fuel line leak..ANOTHER. I'm fixing that line 5 times a year or more..I'm positive someone is messing with it, screws just don't loosen themselves when the van isn't moving..HAHA I'm positive that the people that use my vehicles as a fueling station is pissed that the tank has been emptied since the last time they drained it..I now put just enough in it to start it, to let people listen to the motor. but somehow, I have a feeling thats not going to sell either before its time to leave..No one wants to buy the items I have, But no one wants me to throw them out, They want me to give it to them instead..Its to nice for the landfill or scrape yard but not nice enough to purchase at any price, I've never heard so much BS before in the life of sales.

Next week starts a new life, No more issue with rent, power bills, and other headaches that come with being stationed in a home. April 29th the road will be my home for awhile..again, except this time..I welcome it. GOD I CAN'T WAIT!! If in wasn't for the trying to sell my stuff off, to buy supplies, I'd leave sooner, and deal with the whole thing of being 90% out of shape for the whole load down..But thats irresponsible for both myself and murph..

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturdays Just wont cooperate,or compromise for me

My last weekend to sell the things I have, to make money for the trip, and mother nature funk'd me again. No rain when I went to bed, rain when I woke up to prepare for the sales, then the bottom opened up on the skies, so after waiting for two hours for it to stop, and the weather station SHOWING that it wasn't, I went back to bed to find out it quit raining around 8am....One hour after I went back to sleep...It played me the same way Last Saturday. I started these sales The second weekend of January, and ever since only two Saturdays were clear, But man where they cold and windy..Landfill is going to get full next week.. I Don't know what to do now. I have to move out from where I'm living next Saturday and Sunday. then its train, train, train, Ride till me legs feel like they are going to fall off..Now I'm forced to sell the van, I didn't want to sell it, But I must now..As I stated on Facebomb, The maps are in, now I need bike spare parts, water filter/purifier, front rack & bag for the bike, and some odds and ends for camping, and Last..MY Whites Coinmaster Pro metal detector, for finding fun and fortune..
I pray that all the bad luck I'm having to set this up will dissipate, for when I head out. The whole reason for this trip is to shake this black cloud over my head, and to refresh the more open and easy going person I once was, that most folks enjoined being around. Most can't stand to be around me for very long due to my negative look on life. Yes, even in my younger days, people said I looked at the negative side of things, But i tried to explain when it happens so much its not pessimism, its experience. Like playing the lottery, you play in hope of that 1 in 15,000,000,000 will be your lucky day, however experience tells you your NOT going to hit it, are you a pessimist now because you know the out come EVEN though you push on and continue?
THAT'S MY LIFE!!! I know the outcome, or I know hows its going to play out. I've read the script a hundred times over, I know my roll in the play..This computer and all the others I have, I have to have someone else work on them, If its as simple as putting a disc in the CVD rom and push OK, their still will be issues..ALWAYS, John H. has sat next to me and watched as I repeat his very steps in adding a program and making it work, and he's shocked on how it operates fine without a hitch for him, and I keep getting problems..""You don't need to be working with computers your cursed, AND You might want to re-think this trip your planning"". NO I'm doing it, and I know I'll have stop blocks popping up at every step along the way..and so far my pessimism hasn't let me down, thus my experience in MY life. The fights have been exactly where I knew they would be, And I see more to come before I gone. SO should I just stop and roll up into a ball and die?? Hell no I push on, YES I Bitch, I bitch because its so damn predictable. I'm not you, your not me, we handle our life experiences differently. If folks think I whine to much when I'm around them, good think they aren't around my windows when I'm alone, Then they would see the dark side of my whining, The anger that follows that gives me energy to push on further past what was dealt to me from the Gods of humor, boredom  and faith.. I can almost bet Gabriel & Loki has their hands in this. At least when I'm on the road, There might be new surprises in it for me. 
 The Tornado that has always been in me dreams when I was in my 20s to mid 30s might come about, no I don't die from it, but I am able to feel the wind in my face from it.. Making it to Oregon looking out at the Pacific ocean might be where my dreams of standing on black rocks while the waves crash before me, as I stare towards a full moon so large That it seems I could just reach out a pick it form the sky as if it was a apple hanging from a tree.. Something is calling me out, and I'm going to chase it now, the signs has been going on for two decades. and it seems the more I fight leaving, the more the fight I have at staying..

Time to get busy..

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'M REALLY SORRY PEOPLE, I'M NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO PUT  UP A SLIDE SHOW UP ON THIS SITE,I'VE DONE IT OVER 15 DIFFERENT WAYS, ALL BY GOOGLE'S PICASA & BLOGGERS RULES AND WAYS..ITS NOT GOING TO loads, but when you click the link the numbers roll out 500, 504, 404, 503, 501, ect ect ect..I've spent 8hrs on two days nothing will it works for everyone else, it just wont work for me..(my life's story)..Funny thing one has a clue why it doesn't work. all I've asked is clueless.LOL go figure.

Monday, March 19, 2012

March is nearing the end I'm getting worried, but I'm staying calm.

Items are getting gone, but not fast enough for me..The apartment is 50% empty, mainly because, I got my van full of the items I want to sell. NOW IF the weather people would get on the ball and better do better forecast on Saturday mornings and mother nature stop making flea market morning the day the water pours from the sky..I stayed up till 1:30 am Friday, watching the weather, and they called for thunderstorms all morning long..So I canceled..woke up at 8am, (two hours past my set up time had I went) Not a cloud in the sky, or a wet item anywhere..It didn't rain till I went outside to work on packing more stuff in the van to sell next Saturday. And to bring that up..I"M GOING!!..You watch! Tornadoes will be landing that morning..lolz..I tell you people. I do feel like a kid all over again about all week, and rain on the weekends, It reminds me of one of my summers in Ohio, going to summer school, then rain on the least I passed my grade, but the summer sucked bad..

NOW for the good news..I have the maps on the way..I sold my Serato (I wanted to keep it in case I got a gig when I get back)..And Monte brought my tent that HE bought for me, i found it on CL for $10, a $140 backpackers two man ( in this case one man one dog) tent..I'm adding a metal detector to the list of things to take along..I was thinking about a American Hawk Navigator that has a LCD screen for $200. But Whites has what they call the Coinmaster, and Coinmaster pro. All three do the same thing pretty much, but the AH weights 12lbs and cost $200, But the Coinmaster weights 5lbs, and it has a built in pin pointer, without having to carry extra things, & I can select one type of metal to omits in my searches, plus the wand collapses down, the AH I would have to disassemble when done..and plus I can get the WCM for $180, NOW the WCM-pro does all the same as its lil brother, but it can omit more than one metal, it goes deeper, and is more sensitive..But its $280..I'll stay with its lil brother. But if I get the funds before I make the purchases..ITS MINE!! ..SO Now your wondering why in the hell would I need the WCM, simple..I'm not going to be riding everyday, I'll have my down times, a must. So to keep me busy and from spending money on junk I can't really afford nor carry. This should help keep me occupied, plus! riding through the heart of tornado ally, with the years and this past winter of unusual amount of tornadoes, I should be able to find something..anything of value to help Murph and I along..I'm mean really in three states where the wind tosses everything around like nothing,(I'm sure Murph and I will be part of that at some moment or another). I'm bound to find a decent if not maybe just a lil silver or gold that got pushed far from home.. SO thats why for that..let us pray I have a clear Saturday and many sales..(please,please,please)..

On closing..I want to give special thanks to John Preston, for donating some cash to help Murph and I. Now I need to get rolling on some things.. thanx for stopping by and keeping up..Also before i go, subscribe to Jerry Murphy Matney of FB..the profile pic is that of Droopy and Drooper..

Sunday, February 26, 2012

March is nearing, time to get cracking on leg training..

The past 6 weeks of the moving sale has been a complete fail, between thieves, resellers, cold temps, and days of cold temps with high winds has turned my Moving sale into a joke..I'm sure by now people just look at the CL adds like they would look at a ad on any other page, skim right past it. It looks like I'm just going to have to wing it the best I can..As it stands now there will be no spare parts for the bike, camping supplies, and rain gear is out of the question..I must have the maps, I'll sell the $1,200 dresser chest of drawers and side table to pay for it, at a $150. I'm almost positive someone will pay $500 for it from someone else, just not me. My Brass collection is going to the scrap yard, I can get more for it than what I'm being offered for it..All in All I have over $15,000 in items I own, I'm going to be lucky if I get $1,000, and now I'm around the $425 mark. $2,800 was my goal..It would cover all the bases..Its not happening, nor will I even get close.SO I have to let it go! Its making me depressed to think about it, and when I do I get lazy, and nothing gets done, not even training or working out. SO March is leg training month, April is endurance month, I'll have to trust in the lord to provide for me while I'm on the road, cause I can't seem to get prepared on my own. I've spent, and burned all my resources to help out others in their time of need and left myself with a empty stash. I have no problem jumping in a giving what I have to other, But I can't bare asking people for something I need or want, it feels wrong to me.

No more of this..........Its time to look forward, Can't change the past, I need to focus on the road ahead of me , no pun intended..But if I keep letting the selling of my items "thats not selling for the price I need'" then I might as well give up and considered this as another failed goal in my life, as it stands the ratio of accomplished to failed. is way well, depressing. I won't stand for it on this trip..Its time to move forward.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Things are slowing down, While departure date is coming up qiuck.

The Moving sale are coming to a creeping halt, nothing is selling, and I see why. I guess I'm a trend setter. It's looking like the entire city of Greensboro is getting ready to leave, for every 10 "sales" 7 are "moving sales". I've never seen it as such and as heavy before..LOL. Jessie owns a second hand store on Spring Garden st, I guess I'll just sell everything off to him for the bottom of the barrel price, without having a lil extra for the trip, this will just purchase the needed items with enough foodies to get by for a week or two. Of course i'll search for work while on the road. The warm bed and shower might get cut down from 2 a month to once every six weeks. I'll be funkier than James brown in three weeks of riding.

The cards are done, and ..they...look sweet!. Problem is, the "donation" part on the bottom of the cards makes me feel like I'm begging. I was told by many that I should have it on there, so I put it there, now i feel a lil shameful about passing them out. On the back side of the cards I added a lil information about the route and the company Adventure cycling that keeps it together, and that also maintains the other 40,000+ mile of bike routes across the country. I also added the site that help me make up my mind about doing the trip on a bike. . the journals are from people that bike tour ALL over the world, at this moment there are two folks doing a world tour on a bike..Braver than I they are!. of course I'm sure they are more prepared for it and conditioned for it. Which brings me to this..I'm back and forth about the bike I using.

The bike is a 2001 Raleigh c40, the drive train has been upgraded, I've got a nice chunk of cash in the back wheel components and chain, but I keep having chain slipping and gear skipping problems when going up hill..NOT GOOD for someone thats going to be hauling a load of stuff on and behind the bike..I was looking at getting the Kona Splice, BUT its 29 wheels and disc brakes won't fit the trailer I got, then I looked at the Kona Dew, however for $500, and I'm spoiled on the front shock when I run off the road for a lil fun. the components on its drive train doesn't equal the amount I have in the derailleur alone on the c40..If I'm having problems with a $110 derailleur and $75 cassette, whats going to happen with a $13 derailleur, and a $20 cassette?.I'm going to have problems, no one has made it across without problems on their bike at one point or another..Now I'm leaning towards the Trek DS 8.2 (Gary Fisher collection). It has everything, and more, but its over a hundred more than I want to spend on a bike. but I can do off and on road..I don't know, until the sales start happening better, I'm not going to be able to afford a box of matches to start a camp fire..speaking of which, time to get back at it...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Feb,12, 2012...The sales have been going awful, people are wanting the items I'm not selling. Food in the cabinets, the computer, the tv used on the computer, the clothes I'm keeping, MY GLASSES AND CELL PHONE, helmet and yes even the bike and murph..THATS what they are wanting to buy..I had 10 up to date xbox games, a woman didn't want them..she wanted the xbox which is busted up, and needs to be broken down every week to cleaned out on the inside, in order to work properly. Things promised to people and things needed to survive now and on the road are the top things being requested..To boot, if  a box is sealed or room is off limits..THATS where they want to be..Its like dealing with unruly children.. you have to follow them and tell them no and stay out at every turn..I never in my life thought full grown adults had to be watched like children during a sale..The only things I've managed to sell so far are items I was wanting to keep..the bed, the microwave. the floor vac, and certain tools(which in turn I know I'll wind up having to buy to repair something..I have had some thing sold that I'm getting rid of, but that number is way under that of the items I have forsale..

Kevin (owner of Organized confusion on Spring garden st) has been the biggest help, he bought the xbox games, and donated $100 towards the trip, I had the money for Murphs trailer, but the phone bill and food along with business cards to pass out ate it up..badly The $10 vista cards came out to $64..even if I was to take the cards they offered at $10 it still would have cost over $30, shipping is $20... I got to rethink this, I'm spending to much time on logistics and not enough time training, the weather turned extremely cold, so bike riding has gone out the window..I have a house guest I'm having to take care due to his illness, and that to is putting me behind..I'm beginning to feel I'm having a flash back of the last time I tried to do this trip, other things are forcing me to put energy away from the trip, and forcing it to non-related events..The weight is coming back due to unhealthy eating habits..depression is setting in,I'm having to keep other people happy and putting mine on the back burner again..yep its a repeat of last year..The largest amount of  people that are closest to me have already stated that they don't want me to do this trip, where acquaintances are cheering me on, if I didn't know better I'd swear the house guest which happens to be close friends to my ex-employer (the person thats trying the hardest to keep me from leaving) had planned this up..Knowing I don't turn people away that are having harder time than myself..

I can't move forward, when being pushed backwards......

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

At the age of eleven, I'm laying in a hospital bed in traction looking out the window of my hospital room, thinking about how I want to see the country, and see all the places that people told me about while laying on my back. I've been in this situation for months now, no one could possible know how slow time goes in a hospital room while the seasons outside pass by so fast. "I'm going to see all those places people told me about when I get out and grow up"...Six months in traction, another four months in a full body cast..then the placement for the rod, since the leg wont heal on its own..nearly a year and a half later I'm at home.

Doctors said I would walk with a cane for the rest of my life..NOPE! never happened. doctors said the rod needed to be removed before I hit my late teens, that didn't happen either (under my own stubbornness), I didn't feel like learning to walk all over again for a third time..and so life went on. I did a MS bike-a-thon for MS when I was nine. 50 miles one way, but when I hit the end I turned around and started back, didn't quiet get 24 miles before they shut it down, it was more uphill on the way back than it was going forward..Most of the sponsors refused to pay because they didn't believe I could and did do it.. It would have put me third in the community if they paid up, but instead I got a honorable mention around 99th place in the county. out of 150..

My next big ride came from me leaving Gallipolis Ohio, on a Huffy Grand tour 10 speed. with minimal supplies. If it wasn't for a few truckers, I wouldn't have made the trip I do believe..Over a hundred miles in, and then the last 30 miles out of the trip. When I parked the bike, Gods breath must have been in the tubes.. I watch both the front tire and rear go flat at the same time..the cheap tire were bald. Thats was the last of the big bike rides, that was when I was 22.

I daily commuted for years after that, but now I'm 48 just lost my job of almost five years. The night life of Dj'ing and bartering isn't appealing to me much anymore, (for personal reasons). I'm on the edge of being homeless again, (this time not due to those personal reasons) but due to lack of jobs available..So what to do now? I know I can get my GED and get into classes..GREAT!, but wait, thats going to take a few months what of Murph E. Dog and I, we can't expect the landlord to just let us stay here rent free.. thats not going to work! now what?

While I tossed and rolled in my bed one night, I guess you can say I had a subconscious, at the edge of twilight in my sleep dream? if you will. It was me laying in bed as old man starring out a hospital window. I said to my younger self..What ever happen to the plan to see the country?..I..we? couldn't afford it, cost of gas, what if the car broke down then what? where would we have stayed being broke?.. I turned to myself..You could have rode a bike dumbass, and camped. you like doing both do we not?!!

So here I am. The plan was implemented over a year ago, but dropped out of mind after talking myself out of it, (I'm good for that). Now its on..funny thing is NOW I have other people trying to talk me out of it, saying I'm to old, I'm to out of shape, where will I sleep? what will I eat? what, what, what , what if ,what if, what if..Are you going to put me up till the economy changes?! I didn't think so.beside I wouldn't want you to anyway..So now I'm selling everything I own to finance the trip, I'm having a moving sale every weekend till its all gone. I have the bike, and its been upgraded but can use more better parts, I bought the LG Slate to help keep the journals and Facebook page, AND this place updated. I sold enough to buy Murph E.Dog the Ibex trailer, and the next sale will go to buying the pannier front rack and bags for the bike. After that it the general supplies to survive. maps from Adventure cycling (Trans American Trail), camping supplies, water filter/purifier, ect ect..

So this is where our new journey begins.....